Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Gartner: Smart Phone Sales Rising

Gartner Corporation Director Carolina Milanesi recently explained how the growing public - worldwide will quickly increase to around the 190 million smartphones or pda devices this year, which is a staggering jump of 52% in terms of year on year figures.

While mobiles and cell phones are rapidly increasing, staggeringly around the globe. Few can imagine or have predicted how quickly smartphones, or pda devices could have started expanding.

In terms of earnings, 190 million smartphones means around 15%, or $65 billion-worth, of the overall market of 1.28 billion mobile cell devices that should be turned over this year.

In 2012, mobile and cell phone industry experts believe that PDA, Cell and smartphone device turnover and sales will get to possibly 700 million of the total 1.8 billion cell phone handset market; that's 65%, or $200 billion-worth, of the total $312 billion mobile phone market at that time.

Considering the mobile and cell phone operating systems and software from companies such as Symbian, Android, and Linux pushing deeper down into product portfolios," . "Take for instance, the new Apple's iPhone; at this stage it doesn't have a huge sales volume, but it helped stimulate the market. People are rolling into outlets and specifically demanding a PDA or smartphone carrier device, something that wasn't happening in the mobile and cell phone market just a few short years ago.

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